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For newbies to setting up a viable business on the Internet, the information available must be daunting to say the least. I recently spoke to several people new to Internet Marketing at the World Internet Summit in London recently and there was major confusion as to which way to turn.

Speaker after speaker gave their version of massive Internet success with a ‘juicy course’ or ‘solution’ presented at the end rarely priced under a grand.

One guy bought into a program and then immediately purchased the next pitch presented to the audience with exciting passion no doubt. Somehow I wasn’t sure he needed it.

Don’t get me wrong we all need to make money, but there was a nasty taste left in the mouth akin to being sold a toilet house by an over zeoulous real estate agent.

We were sitting in the cafetia chatting to a couple of guys that ran IM workshops in Holland and a woman who sat down with us hadn’t a clue what she had just bought except, ‘something to do with Google or something.’

Stupid? maybe. But it makes you think.

Focus Focus Focus! Easy to say….I’m guilty of being distracted by this or that flopping into the inbox. I recently had enough and did a mass ‘unsubscribe’ purge and it felt great. I’m sorry but most of the information is crap, just selling me something I don’t need. Any marketer worth their salt should have a blog feed anyway, if there’s any decent info to be had it’ll be on there, use Bloglines to keep them all together.

Stick to the plan and if someone is offering software or products that fit into that plan then fine, check that you will start using it inside the week, that’s true investment in yourself and your business.

Jerry Holliday