Jun 8, 2009 | Internet Marketing
I’ve spent the last month or so testing out a new autoresponder with a difference, Attain Response. There are 3 main elements to thisĀ marketing system: Media F5, Mail F5 and Marketing F5. These so called Tools of Attraction pool together for a unique web-based...
May 27, 2009 | Internet Marketing
With the western world still struggling to climb out of a self induced recession, every business should be looking at key elements of their online marketing process from website conversion to traffic generation and often a few small changes to increase conversion are...
May 3, 2009 | Inspiration
This weekend we opened up our house to the public as part of an ‘art trail’ with close to 1000 people coming in to see our exhibition of work. You may or not know but I draw cartoon illustration and this weekend put on my work on show along with other...
Apr 15, 2009 | Marketing Seminar
If you are based in the UK and available in May there is a seminar workshop, hosted by Internet Marketer Robert Puddy here in Bristol on the 8th -10th May. This 3 day event will focus on membership marketing and product creation with some very special guests attending...