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Rank #1 on Google inside 24 hours

This is a quick case study on indexing for the Google search engine and reaching the all important first page. It also just took an few hours of my time yesterday. The search phrase I was looking at is a fairly competitive one for ‘web prosperity’ which has a lot of...

In 2009 Believe that you will Succeed

Wow..I just listened to a great video over at Lee McIntyres blog..If you are unsure of your own abilities, or struggling to get things moving online I think you should hear this. Lee has been at the bitter end of the struggle for online financial independence. Working...

Google Search based Keyword Tool – sktool

This keyword tool, currently in beta, pulls out keywords on websites aimed at Google Adwords users. However the amount of useful information you can get should make it of interest to anyone who markets their websites. There is a monthly searches column as well as...

Automating your Social Media Presence

Publishing your content onto a blog and the power of RSS that comes with it gives you the opportunity to syndicate out to your social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and Friendfeed. WordPress Plug ins such as tweet my blog and twitter tools will notify your...

Your Social Network Empire

Building Communities in your niche has been a big talking point for a while now as it is a fantasic way to build authority as well as a large valuable community. No doubt you’ve heard of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter – but what about the exploding growth...
Jerry Holliday