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Let yourself Succeed

I recently picked up a handful of books, kindly given out at the Focus Seminar in London recently and have just finished the first one. I do intend to read all of them by the way – you can never stop learning. Relax into Wealth is a very light read but packs...

2008 UK Focus Marketing Seminar Review

I had looked forward to this for a while, so it was good to get going (even at 5am on Friday morning) to the Radisson Hotel at Heathrow. The hotel was pretty grand and the proceedings kicked off with co-host Internet Entrepeneur, Sean Roach outlining a few house rules...

Have you got the Success Mindset?

To build a business online you need to have the ‘success mindset’ –  this is a massive desire to succeed because there will be ups and downs on the journey ahead to be sure. This doesn’t mean a positive mindset alone will propel you to success, but it has to be...

Focus Marketing Seminars UK Event

I’ve talked about the importance of developing networks and relationships before, especially in the Internet business where we spend so much time in front of the screen! Attending seminars is, of course, the way to go for meeting other Internet entrepeneurs,...

New Media Marketing Reports Bundle

This trio of reports focus on Vlogcasting, Micro Media and Satellite Content Sites. There are a few options available for getting hold of them, but firstly let’s break them down: Vlogcast Domination. This report incorporates some content from a previous...
Jerry Holliday