Jul 25, 2011 | PPC
I recently visited the London office of Google as part of Google Adwords push to connect with agencies with help and support for their clients. It was good to see some of the offices, although I didn’t have time to have a look around the whole space (I’ll...
Feb 28, 2011 | SEO
Recently Google announced it was targetting content farms in their recent algorithmic changes which affects about 11% of their search results. The Google blog says: “This update is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites—sites which are low-value add...
Mar 17, 2010 | SEO
Just thought I’d do an update about the changing face of Internet Search in relation to SEO. You may have noticed when doing searches that there are a lot real-time results such as Twitter, Facebook and other social network content, although Google can only...
Jan 5, 2009 | SEO
This is a quick case study on indexing for the Google search engine and reaching the all important first page. It also just took an few hours of my time yesterday. The search phrase I was looking at is a fairly competitive one for ‘web prosperity’ which has a lot of...
Jul 28, 2008 | SEO
Google Knol is described as a unit of knowledge – an authoritative article about a specific topic and initially reeks of opportunity what with the ranking reports. As Google roll out their wikipedia meets Squidoo mash-up there is concern that Google are favoring...
Jan 9, 2008 | SEO
Google is like the Holy Grail of marketing on the web. Rank well in Google and your profits are pretty much set. But there is SO MUCH bogus information out there, often coming from the “gurus” themselves. http://searchenginemythsexposed.com Jonathan Leger...
Jerry Holliday