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Making good JV partnerships is one way you can speed up the success of a product, by having other marketers/businesses promote your product for a commission to their mailing list. This could bring in a vast amount of sales and additions to your list. Setting up JV partners takes work, connections and a willingness to get out there and mix. The worst thing you can do is email the big guns asking them to promote your product. They get countless emails like this everyday and unless you’re extremely exceptional or your product is you’re likely to get a resounding silence in return.

There’s no better way to connect by meeting face to face, and although this is the normal thing to do in the offline business world, online people tend to want to hide behind their machines. Getting yourself to a seminar may not be cheap but will definitely help your JV endeavours and could change your life. The first seminar I attended I met dozens of contacts who I still keep in touch with and do business with on a regular basis.

Anyway, that’s the best way, but failing that try to make yourself known by commenting on their blogs or joining forums. Another great way to get JV’s is to buy their product and relate your feedback to them. You are essentially looking for ways to get to know potential partners and to offer them something – give them value and they’ll look at you differently. Everyone is human.

Jerry Holliday