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It’s been a busy month since my Art Trail escapades and I really meant to get this posted earlier this week. A few days after the trail I was off to Ireland to catch up with family. Unfortunately a popular Uncle passed away while I was over there which was a shock. One thing though, my Uncle lived life to the full, still visiting countries abroad with his wife at the age of 84. No matter how bad things get you have to make the most of this short lifetime – no excuses!

After coming back it was straight off to Robert Puddy’s Bristol Internet Marketing Workshop which was a good show all round. It was great to catch up with and have a pint (or two) with Chris Ferville, Simon Hodgkinson, Phil Wiley, Matt Garett, Tahir Shah, Randy Smith, Tony Sheppard and many others. Unfortunately I missed half the workshop itself as a few business matters cropped up (so much for a no distractions business weekend).

Then it was off to a wedding in Scotland which involved a lot of kilts, whisky and haggis on a large scale. Shame I was ill at this point, having caught a bad cold (no, not swine flu!) so I’ve been struggling to get back on track where I really need to be as we are comp[letely rebranding and relaunching our design and web consultancy business Code 9.

The point of this blog post? Absolutely none, but I thought I’d update you all 🙂

Jerry Holliday