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I haven’t posted for a while as important life events have been happening, namely getting married and having a fantastic honeymoon in Mauritius. I’ve had the time of my life over the last month and have learnt a few things. My stag consisted of jumping out of an aeroplane at 15,000 ft with my best man and another good friend! There’s nothing like a skydive to make you feel alive.

Let me tell you I’m no daredevil! I’m not great with heights and a couple of years ago you wouldn’t have caught me climbing a tree let alone the skydive thing. On honeymoon I scuba dived with my wife, although she is a lot more experienced than me and on doing the practice in shallow water with the instructor I really thought I’d have to pull out of doing it. I just couldn’t get my breathing right underwater and I felt pretty clostrophobic at times, the fear was taking over, but I kept with it, did the dive and had a fantastic experience.

I’m not telling you all this to boast at all, but I have felt that by pushing the envelope of experience it boosts confidence no end that has an infectious effect in everything you do. Once I had skydived, I had the confidence to scubadive and it didn’t seem such a big deal (I had put it off for years much to the disappointment of my to be wife). I’m not suggesting anyone jumps out of an aeroplane but doing something a bit ‘wild’ does wonders for the mindset.

I think this can easily be applied to marketing. If we don’t try different things we may never find that golden goose. Experienced marketers will tell you to stick to a proven and successful formula and they are absolutely correct on this. But it makes you wonder what other opportunities are yet to be discovered!

Let me know you thoughts on this.

Jerry Holliday