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So far so hectic!

I have been extremely busy what with my New Media Marketing project New new media world launching very soon, keeping clients happy, trying to keep my hand in with other partnership projects such as Social Traffic Manifesto and many others.

One of my plans for this year to ‘sharp focus’ on fewer projects more effectively, but it doesn’t feel that way right now.

However, I have had an immense satisfaction recently of carrying out some Interviews for the new new media product with some very professional and successful entrepeneurs.

Listen to Samples:


New new media focuses on the synergy of new media: blogging, podcasting, social media, video marketing and micro blogging…yes a vast subject, but my aim was to provide an simple guide that will benefit newbies and veterans alike with in-depth tips and strategies, supporting material such as video tutorials and a 10 day plan to follow.

I had an idea a while ago to enhance it with audio interviews but didn’t do anything about it. A recent decision to take some action and get things moving on it has resulted in a flurry of activity such as getting the ebook finished, setting up the membership area and then taking the Richard Branson approach of ‘screw it-let’s do it’ and going for the interviews despite my being unsure about doing it.

Mainly using Skype and Pamela – which so far has been excellent. The only problem has been skype dropping a few times so that has added a bit of editing into the schedule.

First up for grilling was Maria Reyes McDavis, an expert in Social Media who has consulted fortune 100 companies, is a highly sought after speaker and trainer and is working on an upcoming book on what companies can learn from human behaviour for their social media marketing.

Then I interviewed Scott Paton of the Internet Marketing Unleashed podcast about the power of podcasting. He’s on a mission to get everyone podcasting and revealed some great tips and outlined an exciting vision on how he sees the Internet shaping up in the coming years and the opportunities opening up from that. He also interviewed me on my project which was great (but nerve racking 🙂

Gavin Allinson of outsourcersblueprint covered how to effectively use outsourcing to grow your business. This is a powerful element if you are looking for expanded growth.

I also got the pleasure of interviewing Yaro Starak, the very successful entrepeneur
who has made a great success from blogging. Yaro talked openly on his 6 figure success formula which  got my brain completely buzzing!

This element of the product is really taking a life of its’ own and there are more interviews to be added! The experience has been amazing – not just getting powerful information but the opportunity to make contacts with people who are so successful.

I’ll blog more here on the different subjects and key points raised in all of them but sure to look out for new new media world on Feb 17th 🙂

Jerry Holliday