Dec 28, 2009 | Business Building
Over the Christmas holidays I was in Ireland and on a very pleasant walk in the snow we had a Robin Redbreast bird follow us up a lane, he was real friendly. As you might see in the video this little bird landed on my hand at one point, very cool. [flashvideo...
Oct 20, 2009 | Business Building
When you’re building your business you are going to need the right people working alongside you to fill the different departments. It isn’t always about employing someone or even outsourcing – You may be able to offer some kind of partnership, a...
Oct 13, 2009 | Business Building
During the last few months I’ve been pretty focused on the relaunch of our integrated design, digital and marketing agency Code 9. We’ve been road-mapping where we want to be going and the vision for our business. Looking at the big picture sometimes...
Jan 14, 2009 | Business Building
2009 is well under way and anyone who is well organized will have their plan all set out by now. If, you’re like me and a bit ‘ahem’.. behind schedule, then the sooner you nail this the better! Planning your projects, listing your tasks by...
Aug 20, 2008 | Business Building
Building your online business must have solid foundations just like a house. Would you build on a swamp? No, but 95% people fail to make money online because they fail to build solid foundations. Firstly you need to value your time. How much is every hour of your time...