Mar 16, 2018 | Business Building
As 2018 steams ahead and 2017 evaporates in the rearview like dust off a truck it seems like a good point to assess where I’m at, as a writer and us as a publisher. Personally, 2017 was one of the best for a long time by a long shot. I gave up my old life,...
Nov 30, 2017 | Fiction writing
As I write this it is the last day of Nanowrimo 2017. Looking at my count from a cafe in Bratislava with one eye on the snow falling outside, it’s likely I’m not going to hit the required fifty thousand words. But I had a metric shit-ton of fun trying....
Jun 20, 2017 | Fiction writing
After around three months in Colombia, I’m back in Europe and enjoying the historical city of Lisbon in Portugal. Overall, staying in Medellin was productive and I managed to stick to a routine, working from various cafes as well as joining the co-working space...
May 14, 2016 | Business Building, Fiction writing, Self Publishing
As I write more fiction I’m finding it increasingly difficult to focus on blogging (not that I ever did that much) and non-fiction projects. However I think, even as a diary style exercise I should blog more and mark the journey, so to speak. Medium looks like...